Trauma Resources
Counselling and Support Services
Canadian Centre for Victims of Torture
194 Jarvis St., 2nd floor, Toronto, ON
416 363-1066
Services offered: Drop-in, individual and group programs, and mutual support groups to helps survivors overcome the effects of torture and war.
The Gatehouse
3101 Lakeshore Blvd West, Toronto ON
416 255-5900
Services offered: Two-phase Adult Support Program – 15-week group sessions covering topics such as triggers and moving out of isolation, followed by a 16-week group program, which focuses on specific topics and incorporates trauma-focused yoga, mindfulness living techniques and tai chi to enhance coping skills.
Eligibility: Adult survivors of childhood sexual abuse
Referral: Self-referral with an initial intake at Gatehouse
Fees: Group sessions are free
Sherbourne Health Centre, Counselling Services
333 Sherbourne St., Toronto, ON
416 324-4100
Services offered: Individual and group counselling
Eligibility: Adolescents and adults in Toronto who have experienced abuse and other forms of violence, trauma and issues related to war, poverty and racism. Primary populations served are LGBTQ, homeless and newcomers, but all are welcome.
Referral: Self-referral but may be a waitlist of six months or more
Fees: Free
Toronto Distress Centre – Survivor Support Programs (Suicide and homicide loss)
416 595-1716
Services offered: Eight weekly one-on-one sessions followed by group support
Eligibility: People who have lost someone to a death by suicide or homicide
Referral: Self-referral
Toronto Rape Crisis Centre – Multicultural Women against Rape
416 597-1171 (inquiries), 416 597-8808 (crisis line)
Services offered: 24-hour crisis line, individual face-to-face counselling, court support and accompaniment, support groups, public education and workshops
Eligibility: Survivors of sexual violence (welcomes all gender identities and sexual orientations)
Referral: Self-referral
Fees: Free
Hospital-Based Services
CAMH Aboriginal Service
60 White Squirrel Way, 1st floor, Toronto, ON
416 535-8501 and press 2 (Access CAMH, the centralized intake service)
Services offered: Separate gendered first-stage trauma 12-session group
Eligibility: Aboriginal (First Nations, Inuit, Metis) people 18 years and older with a desire to access an Aboriginal service and who is already a client with Aboriginal Service
Referral: Clients can access the service as part of the treatment plan in the Aboriginal Service
CAMH Concurrent Outpatient Medical and Psychological Addiction Support Services (COMPASS)
100 Stokes St., Toronto, ON
416 535-8501 and press 2
Services offered: Group therapy offered through a trauma-informed lens: includes a 15-week first-stage trauma group, Seeking Safety for men and women separately
Eligibility: People with addiction and trauma issues
Referral: People who have already had an addiction assessment with COMPASS may be referred to Seeking Safety, but a referral is not required.
Note: Limited individual therapy
CAMH Rainbow Services
60 White Squirrel Way, Toronto, ON
416 535-8501, press 2, or ext. 34430 if you are an existing client
Services offered: Seeking Safety, a first-stage trauma group using CBT that focuses on skill development for recovery from trauma and substance use (experiences of trauma are not processed in the group).
Eligibility: LGBTQ clients of the Rainbow Service who have substance use problems and serious childhood trauma. Clients usually need to complete Rainbow First Stage Group first, and achieve some stability with their substance use goals in order to prepare for Seeking Safety.
Referral: From within Rainbow Services, or by COMPASS if a client has completed a comparable early recovery program.
CAMH Women and Trauma Service, Integrated Day Treatment Service
100 Stokes St., 4th floor, Toronto, ON
416 535-8501, press 2
Services offered: Outpatient program incorporating DBT, psychoeducation, skill building and coaching (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday – half days)
Eligibility: Women struggling with the impact of trauma on their lives
Referral: Physician referral online or referred from a CAMH inpatient program
Scarborough Hospital – Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence Care Centre
3050 Lawrence Ave. East, Scarborough, ON
416 495-2555
Services offered: 24-hour emergency care, crisis intervention, forensic care (documentation and evidence collection), risk assessment and safety planning, acute crisis and individual trauma-based counselling
Eligibility: Transgendered people over age 12 who have been sexually assaulted or have experienced intimate partner violence
Referral: Through emergency departments
Women’s College Hospital – Sexual Assault / Domestic Violence Care Centre
76 Grenville St., ground floor, Room 1305, Toronto, ON
416 323-6040
Services offered: Range of services include nurse available 24/7, 24-hour emergency care, referral to community resources, free counselling, assessment and documentation of injuries and assault history
Eligibility: Women, men and trans people (over age 12) who are survivors of sexual assault and domestic/intimate partner violence
Referrals: Available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, drop-in
Mount Sinai Hospital – Psychological Trauma Assessment and Consultation Clinic
600 University Ave., 9th floor, Toronto, ON
416 586-4800 ext. 8714
Services offered: Extended assessment and consultation service for trauma. After assessment, a consultation report is sent to the referring doctor and treatment recommendations are provided.
Eligibility: 18 years and older
Referral: Trauma referral form (available by requesting it from the phone number above) must be filled out by the family doctor or psychologist and faxed to 416 586-8654.
Note: This is not ongoing treatment.
Women’s College Hospital – Trauma Therapy Program
76 Grenville St., 9th floor East, Toronto, ON
416-323-6400 ext. 4863
Eligibility: Women and men who have survived childhood interpersonal trauma, which may include sexual, physical or emotional violence and neglect
Referral: Referral required by a primary health care provider, except for the Women Recovering from Abuse Program (WRAP), listed under the “Women Only” services that follow. Every newly referred client must attend an orientation session. An intake interview will then determine the best type of service for the client.
Note: The program does not treat adult trauma reactions to domestic violence, natural disasters, car accidents or other traumas experienced in adulthood. Some programs require prior therapy for trauma or abuse.
Services for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
Bellwood Health Services – Operational Stress Injuries and Concurrent Trauma and Addiction Program
175 Brentcliffe Rd., Toronto, ON
416 495-0926, 1 800 387-6198
Services offered: 9-week program that includes education about PTSD, strategies to manage symptoms, planning for discharge, anger management
Eligibility: First responders (e.g., member of the military, veteran, RCMP officer) with PTSD or operational stress injuries as well as an addiction
Fee: Fee for service or paid through the employer
National Center for PTSD
1 800 273-8255, press 1, or text 838255 (veterans crisis line)
Services offered: Website information about trauma and its effect on family and friends, veterans crisis line
PTSD Coach Canada – mobile app
Services offered: App that helps you learn about and manage symptoms that can occur after trauma; includes information on PTSD and its treatment, tools for screening and tracking symptoms, easy-to-use tools to help you handle stress; provides direct links to support.
St. Joseph’s Healthcare – Anxiety Treatment and Research Clinic
St. Joseph’s Healthcare West 5th Campus, 100 West 5th St., Hamilton, ON
905 522-1155 ext. 33697
Services offered: Treatment for PTSD, with booster group sessions following treatment
Eligibility: Adults
Referral: Physician referral must be faxed to 905 521-6120
Women-Only Trauma Services
Assaulted Women’s Helpline
416 863-0511 (GTA), 1 866 863-0511
Services offered: 24-hour, seven-day-a-week helpline for women facing domestic violence or abuse. Includes crisis counselling and emotional support, information (e.g., on safe escape planning) referrals provided for group and individual counselling, legal clinics, housing
Eligibility: Women who have experienced abuse
Barbra Schlifer Commemorative Clinic
489 College St., Suite 503, Toronto, ON
416 323-9149 ext. 234
Services offered: Free legal services for women who have experienced violence and abuse; transitional and housing support, individual and group counselling (e.g., sensorimotor, open expressive arts, women empowering women)
Eligibility: Women only
Referral: Self-referral
Note: Interpretation offered for more than 200 languages; limited child care and tokens for transportation to program
COSTI Immigrant Services
Sheridan Mall, 1700 Wilson Ave., Suite 105, Toronto, ON
416 244-7714
Services offered: Trauma group for Spanish-speaking women
Eligibility: Spanish-speaking women
Etobicoke Children’s Centre – West End Services for Abuse and Trauma
65 Hartsdale Dr., Etobicoke, ON
416 240-1111
Services offered: Group counselling – mindfulness and yoga oriented; individual CBT and EMDR counselling
Eligibility: Adult program for women survivors of abuse and trauma living in Toronto, with priority to women who have children under age 18
Referral: Self-referral
Note: Waitlist – call for updates.
Fred Victor – Seeking Safety Group
Several locations in downtown Toronto
416 644-3081 ext. 3365
Services offered: Five-session skill-building group for people with traumatic experiences (men only, women only, co-ed), follow-up group for 10 to 12 weeks
Eligibility: Men and women aged 20 to 65 who have a history of trauma and a substance use disorder
Referral: Download the Concurrent Disorders Support Services referral and consent form by going to the Fred Victor website link above, and clicking on What we do, then Health, then Concurrent Disorders Support Services. You can then click on the form at the bottom of the page, fill it out requesting the Seeking Safety Group, and fax it to 416 364-8526.
Fee: None
Jean Tweed Centre
215 Evans Ave., Toronto ON
416 255-7359
Services offered: Trauma-specific services include Building Resilience, a four-week psychoeducational group; Seeking Safety, a 20-week group about the concurrent impact of trauma, substance use and/or gambling; Parenting through Trauma, a 10-week group; Trauma Recovery Group, a 16-week group for women with previous trauma counselling; individual trauma counselling for one year; one-time consultations
Eligibility: Women with a gambling or substance use concern
Referral: Self-referral or through a GP
Note: Has a child care centre, waitlist for individual counselling
North York Women’s Centre
116 Industry St., Toronto, ON
416 781-0479
Services offered: Reclaiming Yourself After Abuse, 10-week support group for women who have experienced past relationship violence; Women’s Empowerment Series, three-module skill-building programs
Eligibility: Women only
Referral: Self-referral
Note: Can arrange child-minding and address other accessibility needs. Registration required for groups.
Women’s College Hospital – Women Recovering from Abuse Program (WRAP)
76 Grenville St., 9th floor East, Toronto, ON
416 323-6400 ext. 4863
Service offered: Intensive group therapy plus individual therapy for women over age 18 with a history of childhood abuse. The program runs 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., Monday to Thursday.
Eligibility: Women over age 18 who identify with a history of childhood abuse. Clients must have had previous therapy for trauma or abuse and prior group therapy
Referral: Self-referrals (by phone) as well as referrals form health care professionals
YWCA of Greater Toronto – Breakthrough
West Central Toronto and South Scarborough
416 487-7151 ext. 266
Services offered: Imagining New Directions, for women who have experienced childhood sexual abuse or incest; Healing Through Expressive Arts, for women who have experienced violence or abuse; Stepping into Connection, an open group for women who may be new to group support; Creating Safety and Possibilities, for women dealing with the effects of intimate partner abuse
Eligibility: Women who have been abused or harmed by violence
Referral: Self-referral
Note: Child care available while attending programs
Men Only
Canadian Centre for Men and Families
152 Carlton St., unit 201, Toronto, ON
Services offered: One-on-one therapy, men’s peer support group, legal assistance, mindfulness meditation and other supportive services
Eligibility: Men over age 16, or younger with parental consent. Participants must not be in need of emergency or crisis services, or detoxification or withdrawal services.
Referral: Fill out the form on the website to register.
Canadian Centre for Men and Families
292 Montreal Rd., Suite 302, Ottawa, ON
613 518-1065
Services offered: Fathering after Separation or Divorce Peer Support Group, Emotional Support Peer Group, employment support and resources, reading group, legal information clinic, men’s social group
Fee: Free
Fred Victor – Seeking Safety Group
Several locations in downtown Toronto
416 644-3081 ext. 3365
Services offered: Five-session skill-building group for people with traumatic experiences (men only, women only, co-ed), follow-up group for 10 to 12 weeks
Eligibility: Men and women aged 20 to 65 who have a history of trauma and a substance use disorder
Referral: Download the Concurrent Disorders Support Services referral and consent form by going to the Fred Victor website link above, and clicking on What we do, then Health, then Concurrent Disorders Support Services. You can then click on the form at the bottom of the page, fill it out requesting the Seeking Safety Group, and fax it to 416 364-8526.
Fee: None
Family Services of Peel – Support Services for Male Survivors of Sexual Abuse
151 City Centre Dr., Suite 501, Mississauga, ON
1 855 505-5205, or 905 453-5775
http://fspeel.org. Click on “Services” and then “Counselling.
Services offered: Individual, group, phone and e-counselling
Eligibility: Men living or working in the Region of Peel or Toronto who are over age 16 and have experienced earlier or recent sexual abuse
Referral: Self-referral
Fees: Free
Note: Services in English and French
A Time for Men
2489 Bloor St. West, Suite 306, Toronto, ON
416 432-7725 (Craig Bolton, psychotherapist)
Services offered: 12-week group for men who have been sexually abused; phase 2 group for men who have completed the 12-week group or have participated in another trauma recovery program; individual therapy
Eligibility: Men who have been sexually abused; in-person assessment required
Referral: Self-referral by phone or e-mail above, or e-mail referral by professionals
Fee: Both groups are free.Individual therapy is $135/session; limited sliding scale appointments available (can be discussed on an individual basis)
First Responders and Military
Project Trauma Support
See website under “Peer Support” for addresses and other contact information of peer support groups in Russell, Smiths Falls, Ottawa, Kingston, Guelph, Belleville, London, Meaford, Fort McMurray, AB, and Halifax, NS.
Services offered: Information and support for posttraumatic stress and operational stress injury in military personnel, veterans and first responders; weekly and bi-weekly peer groups; separate residential experiential treatment programs for men and women
Eligibility: Military personnel, veterans and first responders (police, firefighters, paramedics, dispatchers, corrections officers) coping with the effects of trauma
Note: Not located in Toronto
Veterans Affairs Canada – Operational Stress Injury Clinics
St. Joseph’s Healthcare London, 550 Wellington Rd., London, ON
Regus Business Centre, 4711 Yonge St., 10th floor, Toronto, ON
Royal Ottawa Hospital, 1145 Carling Ave., Ottawa, ON
St. Joseph’s Healthcare, 100 West 5th St., Level 1, Block B, Hamilton, ON
Services offered: Assessment, treatment, prevention and support
Eligibility: Serving CAF members, veterans and RCMP members and former member
Veterans Affairs Canada – Operational Stress Injury Social Support
Services offered: A national peer support network with peer support co-ordinators who can connect you to community resources and peer support groups
Eligibility: Canadian Armed Forces members and veterans with operational stress injuries and their families; see the website for listings in Ontario
Trauma Support for Children
Aisling Discoveries Child and Family Centre – Trauma Recovery Program
325 Milner Ave., Ste 110, Toronto, ON
416 321-5464 ext. 255
Services offered: Individual and family treatment, trauma assessments and clinical consultations
Eligibility: Children up to age 11 who have experienced sexual abuse or who display sexualized behaviours
Referral: By child’s legal caregiver
Note: Interpreters available
Child Development Institute – Family Violence Services
197 Euclid Ave., Toronto ON
416 603-1827
Services offered: Group programs include Here to Help, Mothers in Mind, Child and Adolescent Services for Trauma
Eligibility: Women and children who have experienced family violence or other trauma; and children, youth and families who have been affected by childhood sexual abuse
Note: Free cultural interpretation for all programs
Etobicoke Children’s Centre – Child and Family Counselling Services
65 Hartsdale Dr., Etobicoke, ON (main office)
200 Ronson Dr., 4th floor, Etobicoke, ON (satellite office and walk-in clinic)
416 240-1111 (main office), 416 240-1111 (satellite office and walk-in clinic)
Services offered: Counselling for children and youth, families and groups
Eligibility: Children, youth and their families living, working or going to school in West Toronto where there is an identified child and youth mental health problem: services are accessed through an intake co-ordinator and usually begin with an intake interview followed by a single-session consultation. A walk-in clinic is also available.
Manitoulin Family Resources
P.O. Box 181, Mindemoya, ON
705 377-5160, or 1 800-465-6788
Services offered: Counselling and support for victims of sexual assault, sexual abuse and historical sexual assault using a feminist, client-centred approach
Eligibility: Women and children in Manitoulin, Espanola and North Shore area: children under age 12 accepted with parental or guardian consent.
Referral: Through the shelter office, which is open 24/7. The referral will be forwarded to a worker who will call you within two business days to arrange an appointment. Appointments can be made at the office or in the community.