Indigenous Mental Health Resources
Anishnawbe Health Toronto
213 Carlton St, Toronto ON
416 657 0379
179 Gerrard St E, Toronto, ON
416 920 2605
225 Queen St E, Toronto, ON
About: Anishnawbe Health Toronto (AHT) is a fully accredited health centre, accredited by the Canadian Centre for Accreditation (CCA). AHT’s model of health care is based on Indigenous culture and traditions and as a result, AHT is the only facility in Toronto that cares for Indigenous clients with both western and traditional approaches to health care.
Mental Health Programs including: Traditional counsellors, psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers and counsellors offering individual and group counselling, programs to help the Homeless to leave the street, and 20-week addictions and concurrent Disorders outpatient programs.
Support Network for Indigenous Women & Women of Colour
Head office: Quadra Village, Victoria BC
250 277 2545
About: We believe everyone should have access to quality health care, regardless of their ability to pay. All our mental health services are offered free of charge.
SNIWWOC is providing free therapy to low-income racialized women. Therapy sessions cost an average of $100 – $150 per session, and free counselling wait times sometimes as long as two years. This is a service that community members have requested and we’re excited to provide this service. BIPOC women deserve access to healing, and that healing will impact generations.
Our therapists help individuals impacted by a number of struggles, including racialized trauma, sexuality/gender identity issues, low self esteem, anxiety, depression, adjustment, system navigation difficulties, stress management issues, and negative thoughts.
- Women Black, Indigenous, and People of Colour including transgender and two-spirit community members who are 18 years old or above;
- Must make less than the low-income cut-off line (submit the proof of income)* see the table below;
- Residents of all provinces and territories of Canada are eligible to apply.
Pauktuutit Inuit Women of Canada
1 Nicholas Street, Suite 520, Ottawa ON K1N 7B7
1 800 667 0749
Services offered: Pauktuutit has implemented numerous successful health prevention and promotion projects on issues including maternal child health and midwifery, tobacco cessation, HIV/AIDS, substance use, FASD, early childhood development, injury prevention, cancer, health research and others.